Tierra Vegetables

Tierra Vegetables is a diversified family farm in Santa Rosa, specializing in fresh vegetables, heirloom dried beans, cornmeal & masa from heirloom corn and fresh & dried chiles. Since beginning their farming journey in 1980, they’ve cultivated an impressive legacy of producing top-notch crops - special shoutout to their exceptional carrots!

Sustainability has always been at the heart of Tierra Vegetables’ farming ethos, achieved through proven methods such as crop rotation, composting, and collaborative pest management. Their dedication to sustainability goes beyond the fields and into innovative practices, including rainwater irrigation systems and a cutting-edge commercial kitchen. At the farm, they not only preserve their harvest, but also offer a delightful array of canned, frozen and dried products throughout the year.

Wayne & Lee grew up in a family that believed in co-ops. Their family was an early member of the Berkeley Co-op. When Wayne & Lee first started farming, they sold produce to co-ops in Mendocino and Humboldt counties. They have been farming now for 44 years and are wanting to pull back and narrow their sales options. These last few years, they have not sold as much through FEED. Still, Tierra Vegetables is very proud to be a founding member of the cooperative.

Tierra Vegetables transcends the traditional definition of a farm; it’s a center for education and community support. They extend a warm welcome to school groups, fellow farmers, and ensure fair wages for their devoted employees, who all contribute to the prosperity of the farm

Photos: Paige Green Photography


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