How do I not waste my pumpkin?

It's that time of year again when everywhere you look you see a pumpkin or something pumpkin themed. I love pumpkins but to be honest, for years I would buy one, put it on my porch, and throw it away when it rotted. Dont get me wrong I love pumpkin bread and pumpkin spice lates as much as anyone. However, I was always a little confused about how to actually cook a pumpkin. I also wanted to learn because I am always baking something with pumpkin so I might as well do homemade. I learned that it's not that hard to make pumpkin pure and it's even simpler to make pumpkin seeds!

How to approach your pumpkin

I found the best way to start is to core out the top by the stem like you would a jack-o-lantern. Now the stem is out of the way cut the pumpkin in half. Put it on its side and scoop the seeds and guts out. ( save those!) Heat your oven to 400 degrees. I like to fill a shallow casserole dish with about an inch of water and then place the pumpkins face down in the pan. Bake for about 40 minutes or until the pumpkin is tender. Take it out and let cook. Peel the skin off and put the pumpkin “meat” into a blender or food processor. Blend until smooth and store in an airtight container. Now you have fresh pumpkin to cook with!

Pumpkin Seeds

Wash your seeds under cold water until all the orange pumpkin bits are off of them. Strain the seeds and let them dry. I like to toss them in olive oil, salt, and seasoning and then bake them at 400 degrees until golden. I love putting them in salads, granola or just eating them as a snack.

End Notes

Make sure you have a sharp knife and cut away from your hand so you stay safe! I did this with a small pumpkin and I have so much pumpkin to work with. I don’t think I will ever buy canned pumpkin again. Pumpkins can be beautiful decorations that then can be used as a kitchen staple, how cool is that!

Ideas on how to enjoy

Pumpkin Bread With Brown Butter and Bourbon Recipe - NYT Cooking (

Spiced Pumpkin Cookie Cake Recipe - NYT Cooking (

Pumpkin Bisque Recipe - NYT Cooking (

Source: Grace Wathen


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