Tatsoi Is the New Spinach

Tatsoi. Sometimes we just need to talk about a vegetable because it’s fun to say. (Are we the only ones that feel this way?) We could say it all day, but the truth is, there are many other reasons to get this green into your regular rotation. 

Before we start: We're going to tell you what tatsoi is. Tatsoi (Brassica rapa subsp. narinosa or Brassica rapa var. rosularis) is a member of the brassica family—along with mustard greens and Brussels sprouts. It has rounded leaves shaped like a spoon, which have a buttery texture and a slightly sweet flavor. 

If this all sounds a bit unfamiliar, we should also mention that you've almost certainly eaten tatsoi before. The mild, mustardy leaves often show up in mixed salad greens, so—surprise!—you're probably already acquainted. What's so great about this green? Once you track it down, (aliases include tat soy, tat soi, broadbeak mustard, spoon mustard, spinach mustard, and rosette bok choy), it'll quickly become one of the most versatile green vegetables you know. It's friendly with a number of cuisines and preparations, much like the rest of its leafy-green siblings. 

How to Use Tatsoi
Tatsoi is a very versatile green, equally suited to being served raw or lightly cooked. To make it easy, just use tatsoi anywhere you’d use spinach. Lightly steam or sauté it, wilt the leaves with a warm dressing, or add them to a soup at the end of cooking. In Deborah Madison’s Vegetarian Cooking for Everyone, she lets tatsoi shine in a simple salad with scallions, chives, and a sesame vinaigrette. Looking for more ways to use it? We thought you might be. Here are enough ideas to get you through the week:

Saturday: Meyer Lemon Risotto (Something great to do before Meyer lemon season ends!)
Sunday: Borlotti Beans on Toast with Greens 
Monday: Hot Smoked Salmon, Soba and Asian Greens Salad
Tuesday: Crisp Tofu with Asian Greens and Peanut Sauce
Wednesday: Halibut with Cashews, Tatsoi and Orange
Thursday: Steamed Spinach with Balsamic Butter (Here, just sub tatsoi for spinach.)
Friday: Tatsoi with Avocado and Egg

Kelsey Wiig

Hi I’m a dweeb!


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